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Can I Get South Carolina Workers Comp for a Delayed Injury?
After a serious work accident, you might be surprised to find that you feel all right. You may have thought you walked away from the accident without a scratch. At least, you may have thought so until you began experiencing severe pain or symptoms later.
Not every injury appears right away. Now you might be left asking, “Can I get South Carolina workers comp for a delayed injury?” While your injury may still be covered, you’ll need to protect your claim and ensure you get the full benefits you deserve. A lawyer from HawkLaw, PA can help you act now and get your benefits for a delayed injury.
Act as Soon as Possible
When you’ve suffered a delayed injury in South Carolina, your biggest concern may be that you’re acting in time to file your workman’s comp claim. Unfortunately, a delayed injury may not appear or affect you until some time after the accident. Because you have only ninety days to file your claim in South Carolina, you’ll need to act fast to avoid a denial.
To avoid a work compensation denial, it’s best to seek medical care as soon as the accident happened. While you may feel fine, a doctor can make sure you’re actually all right, and waiting can only hurt your claim. By seeing a doctor right away, you’ll have acted immediately after your accident, getting both the care you need and the proof that your work accident was the cause of your injury.
Appealing a Denial
Unfortunately, your delayed injury may not be accepted right away. Instead, your employer’s insurance provider may believe that the injury didn’t happen at work because you didn’t seek workers comp benefits right away. They may claim that they’re not liable for these injuries and refuse to pay.
Fortunately, you will have a chance to appeal this and seek out the benefits you deserve. If you were denied, you may start with an informal conversation with your employer and insurer about the denial. You’ll have a chance to present the evidence you have of your injury.
If they don’t change their opinion on your claim, you may then schedule a hearing before the Workers’ Compensation Commission. You and your South Carolina work comp attorney will prepare the evidence you need to show you suffered from a delayed injury, and the Workers’ Compensation Commission will decide whether you should receive workers comp benefits or whether the denial should remain.
Fight for Workers Comp for Your Delayed Injury
When you’re injured at work, it’s best to seek out medical care right away, even if you don’t believe you’re injured. If you don’t, you may end up worried about your claim and asking, “Can I get South Carolina workers comp for a delayed injury?”
If you’re struggling to get your workers comp benefits in South Carolina, it’s best to seek out a workers compensation attorney from HawkLaw, PA first. Starting with your free consultation*, we’ll discuss your accident and what you can do to get your benefits.
Ready to get started? To reach out for your consultation, contact us by calling 1-888-HAWK-LAW (429-5529) or by filling out the online form below.
$3,000,000*SettlementTrucking Accident
$1,005,000*SettlementCar Accident
$575,000*SettlementPersonal Injury
"*" indicates required fields